Forced Menopause following Breast Cancer | Menopause

Forced Menopause following Breast Cancer

  • Hi I'm wondering if there's anyone else out there in the same situation as me... I'm guessing there must be.

    Im 53 and had the shock of breast cancer out of the blue at 52, mastectomy right breast only.

    As the cancer was hormone led I must take Letrozole which I have continued for the last year.

    If I just rewind a second. Before Breast Cancer I had for the previous year stopped menstruation and was having the associated sweats, flashes and sleep deprivation.  My GP prescribed HRT patches which worked well giving great symptom relief until the Cancer arrived.

    I cannot have HRT treatment following Cancer.... the end.

    I now find myself in "cold turkey" I have steadily increased symptomatically in the last 12 months to the present where I find myself sleep depaved, exhausted,  aggressive hot flashes at least 20 times a day. 

    I'm struggling with it. I try to continue with my daily commitments,  i work full time, walk daily, but I just and running myself into a wall, its getting worse. 

    I've tried herbal alternatives and not had success. I have bedtime conflict- I'm soooo tired I want to sleep, but I dread night-time because I know im in for my nightly hot/cold/flashes/disturbed night, its perpetual.... I  can't get off!!

    I'm like this now in the winter and I'm in a panic about how on earth I can navigate all this in the summer. 

    Can anyone out there relate, or help, are the same as me please respond to my message.

    I'm not in control of me anymore,  my body controls me and its driving me crazy .

    Thanks Helen 

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